Friday, March 4, 2011

A quick yummy lunch

Today I wanted something simple... but delicious for lunch. Who says that only big meals can have BIG taste. The problem was... I didn't have much of anything in the refridgerator or the cupboards. Then I remembered the french bread we had for dinner last night and the tomato i used in a salad a day or two ago. So it wasn't everything I needed for Bruschetta, but it was almost enough for me. I started with chopping the tomato into small pieces. If the pieces are too big it just makes it difficult to eat. (now i know that traditional bruschetta uses a parboiled plum tomato... but one thing you will learn about me. I am not traditional when it comes to food!) I then found an onion and garlic clove that I forgot I had. I also know that onion is not traditionally in bruschetta, but I just love the taste of a sweet onion with a fresh tomato. Okay.. back to the bread. I poured some olive oil into a shallow frying pan, scored the bread a bit (to soak in the oil) and dropped it in. I like to "toast" both sides of the bread, but that is just my preference. I also like to add the garlic to the pan (chopped) it adds a garlic flavor to the bread and crisps the garlic up deliciously! Seriously, I could just eat garlic like this instead of potato chips! anyway... While the bread was frying I looked in the fridge one more time and what did I spy? FETA! There's my protein! Alright, since the bread finished while I was looking in the fridge, it was time to "build" my bruschetta. I like to put the feta on the bread first because it gets soft and gooey. Then i add the chopped tomatoes and onions. On top of that I drizzle the little bit of olive oil that is left in the pan as well as the crispy garlic. MMMMMM! If I had fresh basil I would give it a few chops and sprinkle it on top as well, but no such luck today. So thats it. Julie's version of a bruschetta. Lets call it "Leftover's Bruschetta" I hope you try it and enjoy it!

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